The Here and Now

statue of woman archer

When Tom and I were first married, we knew a couple who were on fire for God and talked about Him all the time, constantly punctuating their conversation with “praise the Lord!”  We would leave their presence choking for a breath of “normalcy” where life could continue without all the…

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Not Enough

With about a year to go before the primaries in our next national election, potential candidates from both main political parties are throwing their hats into the ring.  Concern over the state of our nation has all eyes on this process, believing the right leadership will make all the difference…

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Wrong Question

When reading familiar stories of Jesus’ earthly exploits, I have found it necessary to slow w-a-y down to fully understand the intricacies of the events.  The feeding of the 5000 in John 6 is a case in point.  Our attention is usually drawn to how five barley loaves and two…

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Not Pedigree, But Heart


The book of Judges contains a disturbing account of a young Levite who became the priest of one man’s household hosting a shrine that was adorned with an ephod, household idols, a carved silver image and a silver idol.  This family was Jewish, and the Levite was a grandson of…

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Forgiveness Conundrum

jigsaw puzzle of man wearing glasses with one piece remaining to be placed. The missing piece is his eye

Jesus taught many hard Kingdom truths that are difficult to practice like loving your enemies and giving your possessions to someone who would otherwise steal them.  Many of us conveniently ignore these teachings, or at best make grudging obligatory attempts.  On the other hand, a majority of Christ-followers would probably…

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The Kingdom of God Is Here

When we think of the Kingdom of God, do we see ourselves living in it here and now, or is it something far away to be attained?  For the most part, I believe we see the Kingdom of God as very different from our current state of existence, because we…

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The Same Forever

woman in church with hands raised in praise

If you are tuned into the times, you know there is a great dichotomy between living through fearful world and national events, and experiencing the sweet supernatural presence of God invading a worship service as He did at the Asbury Revival.  God made the sovereign decision to palpably inhabit the…

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The Best-Kept Secret

warhol style man telling a woman a secret

Have you ever felt there is phenomenal existential revelation available that, if ever accessed, would blow the lid off all the major questions of life?  Maybe not…but what if there is?  We would be able to act with certainty and confidence.  Fear and trepidation would practically cease to exist.  The…

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