The Size Difference

man wearing pants that are many sizes too big

A number of years ago, without losing any weight at all, I was suddenly 2 sizes smaller.  Shockingly, I could no longer find anything that fit me in certain clothing departments.  Because I have a tendency to believe that size is basically a fixed matter (unless an object is altered),…

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I Did That


Success is revered in our culture.  It is even more admirable when individuals have overcome great obstacles and disadvantages to achieve it.  Dr. Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon, who ran in the 2016 primaries for US President, makes my short list.  He faced multiple hardships associated with his parents’ divorce such…

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Christmas Wish List

girl with christmas gift

When I was a child, the song, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” was popular.  While that was me one year in particular, I thought it was hilarious that two front teeth would be the entire list for Santa.  My list always had a lot of…

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God Knows Best

Abraham Casting out Hagar and Ishmael by Guercino

The Bible is chock-full of amazing promises that God has made to His people.  There is no way in this short space to do justice to them all, and certainly each of us has our favorites.  I seem to gravitate to those that defy natural conditions and circumstances.  They elevate…

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Forgiveness Conundrum

jigsaw puzzle of man wearing glasses with one piece remaining to be placed. The missing piece is his eye

Jesus taught many hard Kingdom truths that are difficult to practice like loving your enemies and giving your possessions to someone who would otherwise steal them.  Many of us conveniently ignore these teachings, or at best make grudging obligatory attempts.  On the other hand, a majority of Christ-followers would probably…

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The Same Forever

woman in church with hands raised in praise

If you are tuned into the times, you know there is a great dichotomy between living through fearful world and national events, and experiencing the sweet supernatural presence of God invading a worship service as He did at the Asbury Revival.  God made the sovereign decision to palpably inhabit the…

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So Hard, Yet So Good

Wife begging and angry husband

Few things commanded by God confound us as much as the issue of forgiveness.  Jesus specifically taught on the subject many times, highlighting it in His instruction to His disciples on how to pray; what we call The Lord’s Prayer.  With a paralytic, He elevated the act of forgiving above…

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It’s Too Hard

person rolling stone uphill

How many times have we lost a glorious opportunity because the road to achievement just seemed to be too hard?  Mankind has a lot of company in this area.  One historical example is the nation of Israel, led by Moses out of Egyptian captivity, only to falter in taking possession…

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