Living Fulfilled
Just Add Water
Many years ago, there were TV commercials introducing instant coffee, instant tea, instant gravy, and instant soups. “Just add water!” was the tagline. It was such a wonderous thing to have immediate access to foods and beverages that used to take 30 minutes to hours to prepare. On our recent…
Read MoreBut There’s More
The day that I came to know Jesus as my Savior was the greatest day of my life. Ecstasy, love and peace that I had never experienced completely overshadowed the horrible days that preceded it. This was a mountaintop experience I never wanted to leave, and believed could never be…
Read MoreDiscerning Truth
We live in the information age where we can look up most anything by speaking into our phones. That instant gratification generally has us more focused on getting answers than in taking the time to vet the answers, or their sources. If the answer seems plausible, that is usually good…
Read MoreExposed
I have been working with a corporation the last several months to accomplish an assignment the Lord first introduced to me over three years ago. I had never done anything like this before, so I knew I needed God’s direction, His supply and His perfect timing. This was His project,…
Read MoreIs That Mildew??
When God gave the Law to Moses, He went into a lot of detail with regard to handling mildew that might appear on articles of clothing, leather, and containers, as well as on walls of houses. The Lord was very specific about the various types of mildew, the tests to…
Read MoreCompartmentalizing Jesus
Today’s headlines enumerate all the factions within our nation that can leave us with heavy hearts and a myriad of opinions regarding solutions. We find that even well-intended people are disagreeing sharply. About 2000 years ago when a heated division over leadership in the early Corinthian church arose, the Apostle…
Read MoreThe Pot and the Kettle
There is an old saying when someone accuses another person of doing what the accuser is actually doing: “The pot is calling the kettle black.” Another common way of communicating this message is, “It takes one to know one.” Both of these sayings are true and time proven. Paul made…
Read MoreWANTED: Wisdom
In our country’s current climate, there is seemingly no end to opinions and recommendations, but where is wisdom? If the world pandemic is to be resolved through science and a vaccine, then why are cases increasing unabated? Added to that is the attempt to quiet racial tensions with a combination…
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