measuring tape

Big God or Little God

How odd that the God Who created the universe and all matter, can exceed the limitations of our minds in His greatness, while also seeming so distant and powerless in our daily lives. We read of His exploits of dividing a sea of water into two vertical walls providing a dry path through the middle, and our faith soars. Then we ask for guidance in the quagmire that is our lives, and nothing immediately happens. Doesn’t the Lord know that life doesn’t stop, that decisions have to be made, and plans executed? So, we trudge along, doing the best we can, and wonder where that big God of the Bible is now.

Ironically, it is our own effort that keeps God Almighty in a very small box. We tend to forget that we live and breathe every day because the Earth is spinning on its axis, God is renewing the air supply, and enabling our bodies to draw the next breath. If He is so active in the rudimentary things, is He not also concerned about the things that concern us? How hard is it to believe that “God works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His Purpose” (Romans 8:28)? Are we willing to lay down our plans and timetables to wait on Him?

The greatest miracles recorded in scripture happened when people simply turned their eyes on God, not knowing what to do, but knowing He was able. That exercise of trust saw enemy armies routed and destroyed, fire falling from Heaven on multiple occasions, and babies born to barren women (among many things). These were God’s decisions and solutions, not man’s.

Jesus continued the work of the Father in His three-year earthly ministry – again, doing the unexpected in inconceivable ways. John said about the volume of His work, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25) But one that was recorded concerned a Greek woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil spirit. Although she was a foreigner, she dared to ask Jesus for help because she knew only He had power and authority. Her humble statement of faith when Jesus rebuked her for seeking a miracle reserved for the Jewish people moved the heart of God. Jesus did not go to her house, he did not address the demon, He simply said, “For such a reply, you may go, the demon has left your daughter.” (Mark 7:29) We know that Jesus only did and said what He saw the Father doing and saying. (John 5:19) God decided; and it was.

God does not require our trust, even though He knows we will end up trusting someone. When we choose ourselves or human wisdom, we minimize His position in our lives. Still, He is the God Who changes not (Malachi 3:6), and He will always do what He knows is best: “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” (2 Timothy 2:13) However, when we trust His Character to the degree of not handling things ourselves (even though we could), it is a statement of love from the child to the Father. Daddy cannot help but be moved, and He responds in ways we could never ask for or imagine.