The Purpose of the Desert

Biblically speaking, the desert represents wilderness, hardship, isolation, basic unmet needs, feeling lost, etc. Christ-followers typically use the analogy to describe difficult spiritual, emotional and physical times. None of us likes feeling that we’re in a desert, and a major goal becomes getting out. The longer our desert experience continues,…

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Getting Unstuck

glue drip

We have an 18 month old grandson who is not yet verbal, but is very busy with discovery and exploring how things work. He has learned how to get on and off his scooter, and can motor with his feet, but has not figured out how to turn. So when…

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Created to Shine

God created man in His own image, with the main difference being that God is Spirit and man is flesh and blood.  More accurately, God created man as triune being; spirit, soul, and body; allowing for connection from the Spirit of God to man’s spirit.  Man’s soul, composed of mind,…

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man stands alone

The prophet Isaiah lived at a critical time in Israelite history where the people were divided into two separate kingdoms: Israel, which had gone the way of idolatry and sin, and Judah, which was not quite as bereft as Israel only because they had rulers who would occasionally obey God.…

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What’s the Payoff?

brownie cake

Most of us will not undertake something difficult or distasteful to us unless we have a really good reason. The threat of a diabetic coma or anaphylactic shock is usually a good motivator to avoid certain tasty foods and take otherwise unwanted medications. Likewise, losing a driver’s license and serving…

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Determining the Point of Need


Most of us Christ-followers have some level of difficulty applying spiritual concepts to the reality of daily living. While we feel encouraged by reading scripture and/or devotionals, are we actually putting these Truths into practice? In reality, our first course of action is to do whatever it is that we…

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The Artist’s Signature


Every artist I know signs his or her work. It links the artist with stylistic qualities and themes, and designates the piece is finished, permanently identifying its creator. The latter aspect becomes more important with the passing of time and multiple owners. Without the signature, historical background as well as…

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The Miracle of God’s Presence

Have you ever experienced holding onto a hope or promise of God for years and years until you reach a place of complete frustration, and then in futility and despondency, just give up? That choke point is loaded with negative emotions that often tumble out our mouths in the form…

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